Focus on Refraction

This mainstay of optometric practice continues to challenge even seasoned ODs Learn how to do better. By Marc B. Taub, OD, MS, and Pamela H. Schnell, OD

Modify Your Exam with the Modified Thorington

This quick test can cue the practitioner in to subtle vertical deviations that can evade detection on cover test.

VEP to the Rescue

Using this can aid in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes.

Is This Actually Amblyopia?

Make sure to exclude any other reasons why a decrease in acuity might occur.

It's Time for a Clip Show!

Celebrate our halfway point to 100 published columns with some of the highlights.

To See in 3D

A review of stereo tests.

Should Hindsight Be 20/20?

When a child’s acuity meets their visual needs, they may benefit more from a delayed glasses prescription.

Worth Your Time

Use of the Worth 4-dot test warrants some attention—there’s so much it information it can provide.

The Forgotten Tool for Binocular Vision

Contact lenses can be great for certain issues of this sort.

Visuoscopy Review

The dusting off of rarely used techniques can prove more useful than initially meets the eye.

Different Fields for Different Folks

Kinetic testing may prove more beneficial than static for brain-injured patients.

Upcoming Events

January 14, 2025

From Comprehensive to Retina: Intelligently Advancing OCT
Location: Virtual
Presenters: Rishi P. Singh, MD, and Katherine Talcott, MD
Webinar: 8:00pm ET

Sponsored by Zeiss

Register here

May 2-3, 2025

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society–Spring

Location: Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines, La Jolla, California
Co-Chairs: Paul Karpecki, OD, Jake Lang, OD, and Selina McGee, OD
Earn LIVE COPE Credits* (Accreditation pending)

Register here

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