Neuro-ophthalmic Disorders

The Cranial Neuropathies: Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens

A guide to the clinical indications, causes and management strategies for the three nerve palsies affecting eye movement.

When Ophthalmics and Neuro Collide

Many ocular conditions can overlap or masquerade as suspected central nervous system tumors. Here are some cases to consider for distinguishing one from another.

Assessing the Optic Nerve

The stakes tend to be high with these conditions, and advanced imaging often plays a decisive role.

Ocular Torsional Instability May Signal Ocular Motor Dysfunction

Depending on whether strabismus is present, neuroimaging may be warranted to rule out causes of neurological disease.

Suggestions for Using Labs and Imaging in your Practice

Various symptoms at the office require further investigation. Part 2 of 2.

Six Questions About the Role of OCT in Neuro Evaluations

This technology plays a pivotal role in clinical practice. With answers to these key points, learn how it can help you assess these complex conditions.

Visits for Flashes and Floaters Strain Emergency Services, Study Finds

Researchers hope that developing a more informed triage strategy can increase efficiency for the healthcare system.

Early Dementia May Be Detectable Through Ocular Signs

Despite this possibility, much more research is needed to determine the best diagnostic criteria.

A Guide to Demyelinating Diseases of the CNS

This overview can help you better understand the clinical features and findings of optic neuritis, neuromyelitis optica and MOG.

Body Mass Index Helps Predict OSA Severity

The condition is more common among men with IIH, study finds.

Upcoming Events

January 14, 2025

From Comprehensive to Retina: Intelligently Advancing OCT
Location: Virtual
Presenters: Rishi P. Singh, MD, and Katherine Talcott, MD
Webinar: 8:00pm ET

Sponsored by Zeiss

Register here

May 2-3, 2025

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society–Spring

Location: Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines, La Jolla, California
Co-Chairs: Paul Karpecki, OD, Jake Lang, OD, and Selina McGee, OD
Earn LIVE COPE Credits* (Accreditation pending)

Register here