The urban legend goes something like this: my first year in optometry school, on my very first physiological optics test, I scored what is widely considered the lowest score in the history of physiological optics. One of the cadaver heads in anatomy lab scored better than I did.

Two weeks later, on our second test, I scored the highest score in the class. The professor (who, out of respect, shall remain nameless… not to mention I can’t remember who it was), called me in for a meeting and stated that some students just get it quick and others take time to understand the complexities of the course. He wanted me to explain how I turned the ship around so quickly.

My answer was: “The first test, I worked on the problems and wrote down my answer. The second test, I worked out the problems, figured out the answer and wrote down the opposite.”

In our profession’s self-destructive race to accept less money for our services and our optical solutions, my gut tells me that instead of just writing down the answers, maybe it’s time to consider the opposite.

It’s time to be creative. As I used to tell my kids, “It’s Opposite Day. Now, do NOT clean your room.”

Now, OK, I don’t want to paint every single individual doctor with the same stroke, but I think we can all admit that creativity is not the first word that pops into anyone’s mind when they consider an optometrist. Our training makes us more left-brained, analytical, habit forming, linear and precision-seeking.

To us, being creative means we just cannot bring ourselves to finally throw out those old frame bars we had when we first opened our office.

To us, being creative might mean we finally ask for extra ketchup for our fries after years of therapy.

To us, being creative in the office means we show up three minutes later than we have for 37 years… once.

To us, being creative means we think a major change in the office décor is a new doormat. We take the old one home, of course.

So, yes, we have our challenges. I mean, what can we do? On one side, computerization and AI very possibly could replace the need for a patient to actually walk into your office. On the other side, we will accept lower and lower reimbursements just so we can get someone to actually walk into our office, even if we barely break even when we see them.

People! Time for some creativity. Time to get opposite.

I remember one contact lens patient in West Virginia who, after his examination, asked me for a copy of his contact lens prescription because it would be “cheaper” to get them somewhere else. My answer was: “How could it be cheaper somewhere else? In my office, the contact lenses are free.”

After his mind was blown, I continued: “The contact lenses are free. My contact lens evaluation fee is $300.”

I’ll admit this did not work, but at least I was thinking outside the box, right?

If you are not reviewing how you have always done things in your office and thinking what you could do that is the opposite of what you do now, you will not be able to create the new norms that will keep your office afloat as the tidal wave created by the unholy marriage of big tech and vision plans continue to amalgamate (and trust me when I say that they are thinking way ahead and looking at doing things the opposite of how they have been doing things while we sit back and enrich their war coffers). I love mixed metaphors, as you can see.

Take a couple of baby steps. Look at one path you have been taking and ask yourself, how could you achieve your goal by going in the opposite direction? It’s not impossible. You did it with taking PDs. You did it with setting aside your direct ophthalmoscope. Forget your obvious answer and write down the opposite. Worked for me.

Dr. Vickers received his optometry degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in 1979 and was clinical director at Vision Associates in St. Albans, WV, for 36 years. He is now in private practice in Dallas, where he continues to practice full-scope optometry. He has no financial interests to disclose.